To Tell or Not to Tell

“I heard you have a blog. Give me the link!”

“You have a blog? Share it with me!”

Tell me that it’s not just me, and that it’s normal. When my friends ask me these questions, I think twice or maybe more than thrice before I answer. I always hesitate to share it. Here are some of my reasons:

1. I’m afraid for my life. Well, from my grammar nazi friends.

grammar nazi
If you love to hate, then surely you will find flaws. If you love to hate, retire to be my friend. RIP.


2. What if it’s someone that I know (who visits my site) is the one I want as my next subject?



3. A friend will demand more about the things he/she read in my blog.

you didn't tell me
I’m so sorry I really didn’t want you to know.


4. The more I’m aware that someone who knows me in “real” life reads my blogs; the less freedom for my thoughts.



5. Oh my gosh, how did you know that?!” Oh, okay you read my blog.

Let’s not talk about the personal things you found here. Pretend you haven’t read anything personal, and don’t ever mention it to me unless you are a bff


*pasintabi friends

10 Worst Things Your Crush Might Tell You After Your Confession

After gathering up courage to finally confess your feelings to your crush, oh no! I’m so sorry. Your crush is just not that into you. Here are some of the worst things he/she might actually tell you after your epic confession:

1. “Awkward.”

Yay! Let’s make it more awkward by telling it’s really awkward.

2.”It’s not funny.”

My feelings for you will never be a joke.

3. “You’re creepy.”

you are creepy
Hi. I really like you, and I have a copy of your every post on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

4. “Someday you’ll find the right person meant for you.”

stop crying self
My crush told me this. I knew right then he isn’t the right one.

5. “Let’s ignore each other starting from now.”

When being awkward with each other gets worse

6.  “…But you’re like a little brother to me.”

a very similar situation to”ate/kuya zoned

7. “We are best friends… forever.”

Jacob Black: You friend zoned me Bella, so I’ll just wait and make your daughter fall in love with me instead.

8. “You are not my type.”

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You wait until my hair gets longer. I’ll be the prettiest mermaid.

9. “I like someone else.”

that cuts deep

10. “I’m gay.”

It’s gonna be okay. I’ll be okay. We’re gonna be sisters.

What They Say About My Body That I Don’t Want to Hear At All

“What’s your weight?”  *answers* “You are heavy.”

tumblr_inline_mfb4nkuubu1r7j4bgthanks for not considering my height, and yes, I’m heavy. Sorry.

“You are lazy.”


“Daily exercise is easy-peasy.”

New-girl-jess-gym-gifYea, this is good actually.

“You are so cute.” then pinches my fluffy arms.


“Don’t eat more, you’ll get fat.”


“Why are you eating thrice a day?”

tumblr_lx1opvudqb1qjuvtn_largeWell I should.

“I hear you munching at midnight.” sometimes isn’t always


“You have a flat belly no more.”


“You skipped training today, tsk tsk.”


Fitting a long sleeved shirt then, “It looks good on you. Just slim down a bit more.”


I have a weight appropriate for my height according to my BMI. It’s considered normal. I’m neither skinny nor fat. I’m not even chubby, but I don’t have a toned body either. Who doesn’t want a perfect body? Nothing is instant when it comes to achieving the dream body, so I guess I’ll be needing this: A Fitness Tracker That Zaps You When You Slack Off

*gifs from

Top 5 Things that Physically Attract Me

We all have our own lists of ideals, and here’s mine when it comes to physical attraction:

#5 Speaking voice


I just want you to keep talking. He doesn’t have to be good at singing, but that’s a hell of a bonus.

#4 Long Eyelashes

Hugh-Jackman-wink I envy ladies who have natural long lashes, maybe that’s why I love it on men too. Hey, and it’s something you need to see a little bit closer. *wink wink*

#3 Someone who smells good.

Who doesn’t want someone who smells so good? Researchers claim that physical attraction itself may literally be based on smell.  I don’t care if it’s perfume, deo spray, shampoo, or breath spray, but I really love a very masculine smell.

#2 Height and Body Built


Height really matters to me. I am tall, and I often get attracted to someone who is as tall or taller than me. Next to height is the built. I want someone who is fit or lean. Ooh, nice shoulders.

#1 Appeal

dave franco gif
I don’t get attracted to “good boys”. I’m magnetized to “hot” guys, than cute guys. Dun ako sa mas masculine ang dating, yung mas masculine sa akin. Especially with my strong personality, mas attracted ako sa ganun. I don’t think I can handle someone who is more fashionista, madaldal, madrama, picky, or weak than me.

They say there are lots of fishes in the sea. Now it’s a question on how to be picky when there’s no one to choose from, 🙂

*I don’t own any of the images or gifs in this post. 

A Facebook & Twitter-less Birthday

It’s been more than a month now since I deactivated my Facebook and Twitter. I thought of reactivating them before my birthday, but I didn’t.

Here are the perks and downside of not having a Facebook and Twitter account on a birthday:

1. Text messages seem more special than a Facebook and Twitter greeting.


2. They remembered it! Not just because Facebook reminded them, or it was on their newsfeed, or because it was on their Twitter timeline.


Also, it will be less painful if someone you were expecting didn’t send you a greeting. There can be a lot of reasons you aren’t aware now.

3. You won’t be getting a p.m (private message on Facebook) or a wallpost from a total stranger.


4. You can’t annoy your Twitter followers by flooding their timelines with all your thank-you-replies.


5. You won’t be having this dilemma: Answering all your Facebook greetings with an obligatory “thank you”, or do nothing about them to look ungrateful or snob.


6. Greetings rush in when midnight strikes (while you are in your bed having a good night sleep).


7. They make a surprise visit and make the greeting more personal than a text message.


8. Remembering that person who didn’t greet you, then realizing you weren’t really that close.

9. Some of your “true friends” who are bad at remembering dates won’t get a reminder.


10. Your crush who really doesn’t know your birthday and doesn’t have your number, but was your Facebook friend (wish he followed you on Twitter too), can no longer greet you.


It’s still a happy birthday, I promise. 

*I don’t own any of the gifs